My daughter is adopted from near Tokyo and my wife is from Osaka. As a result, I have visited Japan going on eight times in the past fifteen years. Only this year did I finally start studying the language. Shame on me, I know. With my wife to translate and my job...
So I’ve completed every type of course “Landmark” has offered in the past twenty years. If you do the math, that’s tens of thousands of dollars of my hard earned money. It was a major line item in my budget for many years. Before that I participated in Gurdjieff...
Becoming a foster parent is not an easy task. First, you have to decide that you’re up to the challenge. Then, you have to go through a lengthy and sometimes complicated licensing process. While it isn’t an easy process, foster parents are very needed and often in...
The foster care system exists to advocate and care for children that need a support system. While the system is necessary and has helped many children who otherwise would have had no one, it’s not perfect by any means. There are four major issues with the foster care...
Foster parenting is not an easy feat. Foster parents have to deal with a number of challenges throughout the process, but one that is not often addressed is healthcare. While most foster children are covered under Medicaid, which usually continues to provide coverage...